Hello everyone, welcome to my latest recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Traditional Chicken Soup. Super easy to make and perfect for lunch in this cold winter weather. It seems to have gone from relatively mild to freezing in Scotland. The last two weekends in a row now we’ve had a snow.
I’ve been doing a bit more Christmas baking this weekend and I’ll share my recipe for Lebkuchen cookies later in the week.

Other Light Bites Ideas
If you like this recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Traditional Chicken Soup then you might like to try one of my other soup recipes:
- Treat yourself with my Baked Potato Soup (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
- Go traditional with my Cream of Tomato Soup (Gluten & Dairy Free)
- Have a vegetarian soup Tomato and Lentil Soup (Gluten & Dairy Free)
- Have some different with Prawn Tom Yum Soup (Gluten and Dairy Free)
More Recipes Please!
Like me, you may also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements. I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes. If you want to check it out then please click on the following link: http://fionacooks.com

Traditional Chicken Soup (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
Add the olive oil to a large pan over a low heat
Saute the onion, garlic and rosemary for 5 minutes
Pour in the chicken stock and dairy free cream and simmer gently for 10 minutes
Place the soup and one chicken breast into the blender
Blend until smooth and pour back into the pan
Heat gently, add in the other chicken breast and season to taste
Divide between four bowls and serve