Hello everyone, today’s recipe is for this delicious Gluten Free and Dairy Free Louisiana Rice dish. Perfect to make at the end of the week to use up all the bits and pieces you have left in the fridge. As with most of my recipes you can swap around the meat and veggies to use up what you available to you.
I made a bigger batch of this and had it as a main one night and then a side dish with some chicken the next night. It also works well cold for a packed lunch the next day if you have some leftover.

Other Dinner Ideas
If you like this recipe for Gluten Free and Dairy Free Louisiana Rice then you might like to try one of my other dinner recipes:
- Make a pasta bake with my Chicken & Vegetable Pasta Bake (Gluten Free & Dairy Free)
- Try out a risotto with Cheese and Tomato Risotto (Gluten Free & Dairy Free)
- Have some fish with my Spiced Salmon Tacos (Gluten Free & Dairy Free)
- Have a vegetarian option with my Moroccan Pilaf (Gluten Free & Dairy Free)
More Recipes Please!
Like me, you also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements. I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes. If you want to check it out then please click on the following link: http://fionacooks.com

Louisiana Rice (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
Try out my new recipe for gluten free and dairy free Louisiana Rice - perfect as either a side dish or as a main meal.
Cook the basmati rice according to the instructions on the packet and set aside
Add the olive oil into a large shallow pan over a medium heat
Saute the mushrooms, pork sausage, onion, peppers, garlic and chilli flakes for about 10 minutes
Stir in the cooked rice, gluten free soy sauce, thyme, smoked paprika and season to taste
Hea through for 5 minutes and serve