Welcome to my latest recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate Iced Coffee.

A few months ago I shared a recipe for dairy free chocolate syrup that made great (and easy) hot chocolate.  Now it is warmer (well maybe just a little bit) I’m all about the iced coffee.  I love having a jar of cold brew coffee in the fridge – my mornings are always super rushed and this is a quick way to get my coffee dose.

The chocolate syrup works perfectly mixed with some cold brew coffee and your favourite dairy free milk.  You can also add a little or a lot of chocolate syrup depending on how sweet you like your coffee.  I’m loving experimenting with my own flavoured coffees at the moment, the other day I had a salted caramel mocha.  I’ll share the recipe for that one as well when I have it photographed and typed up.

iced chocolate coffee

Other Drinks Ideas

If you like this recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate Iced Coffee then you might like to try one of my other drinks recipes:

More Recipes Please!

Like me, you also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements.  I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes.  If you want to check it out then please click on the following link: http://fionacooks.com



Prep Time 480 mins Cook Time 5 mins Total Time 8 hrs 5 mins
Servings: 4


A dairy free iced latte with homemade chocolate syrup and cold brew coffee


For the cold brew coffee:

For the chocolate syrup:

To make each iced latte:


To make the cold brew coffee:

  1. Place the ground coffee and water in a jar and leave at room temperature for 8 hours

  2. Strain the coffee using a fine sieve or a French press

  3. Store in the fridge until you are ready to use

To make the chocolate syrup:

  1. Place the cocoa powder, brown sugar and water in a saucepan over a medium heat

  2. Bring to the boil while stirring continuously

  3. Simmer for five minutes

  4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge

To make each ice latte:

  1. Pour the cold brew into a large glass, stir in the chocolate syrup

  2. Add the crushed ice and then slowly pour in the dairy free milk

Keywords: chocolate,, coffee
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