Welcome to my latest recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Mini Cinnamon Sugar Muffins.

At the weekend when I’m not rushing out the door to get the train to work I like to take the time to make a treat breakfast.  This recipe is based on some lovely warm gluten and dairy free muffins I got in a café ages ago when I was on holiday in Paris.  They don’t take a long time to bake and are definitely worth putting the effort in.  After the muffins have baked in the oven I brushed them with a little melted dairy free spread and dipped them in ground cinnamon.  A perfect start to my weekend with a big cup of soya cappuccino and fresh orange juice.

cinnamon sugar muffins

Other Baking Ideas

If you like this recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Mini Cinnamon Sugar Muffins then you might like to try one of my other baking recipes:

More Recipes Please!

Like me, you also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements.  I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes.  If you want to check it out then please click on the following link: http://fionacooks.com

Mini Cinnamon Sugar Muffins (Gluten & Dairy Free)

Difficulty: Beginner
Servings: 4
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


For the muffins:

For the topping:


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 oC

  2. Grease a mini mould muffin tin

  3. Mix together the caster sugar, gluten free flour, cinnamon, egg, milk and melted dairy free spread

  4. Half fill the muffin tin

  5. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes

  6. Make the topping by mixing together the caster sugar and cinnamon

  7. Brush the top of each muffin with the melted dairy free spread and sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar

  8. Serve while still warm

Keywords: cinnamon, muffins
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