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Haddock Goujons (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

haddock goujons

Hello, looking for some new inspiration for dinner? Try out my latest recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Haddock Goujons. I've used a light tempura style batter to make my goujons but you can use a breadcrumb recipe like this if you prefer. If you can't find haddock, any kind of white fish would work well. You can also swap fish for chicken to mix it up a little.

haddock goujons

Other Dinner Ideas

If you like the sound of this recipe for Gluten Free and Dairy Free Haddock Goujons then try out one of my other chicken recipes:

More Recipes Please!

Like me, you may also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements.  I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes.  If you want to check it out then please click on the following link:



Cooking Method
Difficulty Intermediate
Prep Time: 15 mins Cook Time: 5 mins Total Time: 20 mins
Best Season Available
  • 500 grams haddock
  • 4 tablespoons cornflour
  • 6 tablespoons gluten free plain flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 80 milliliters water
  • salt and pepper (fr seasoning)
  • oil for frying
  1. Cut the haddock into 2.5" long strips, pat dry and dust with tablespoons of the gluten free plain flour

  2. Mix together the cornflour, remaining gluten free plain flour, egg yolk, water and seasoning until you have a smooth batter

  3. Heat your cooking oil to 180OC 

  4. Dip the haddock into the batter and fry until golden, about 5 minutes

  5. Serve with salad and chips

Keywords: gluten free dinner ideas, gluten free battered fish, dairy free dinner recipes