Chocolate and Peanut Butter Mug Cake (Gluten & Dairy Free)
Hello everyone, welcome to my latest recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate and Peanut Butter Mug Cake.
This is such a delicious and super quick dessert to make, unfortunately the photograph doesn’t do it justice. I have no idea how other people manage to photograph mug cakes and make them looks so pretty. As you can see, every time I make one they look terrible.
I thought I would just go with it as I love the recipe. It is similar to a hot chocolate molten cake but I’ve made it with peanut butter, cocoa powder and mashed banana so it isn’t laden with sugar. I’ve (attempted to) swirl some dairy free white chocolate and peanut butter on the top.
Other Baking Ideas
If you like this recipe for Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate and Peanut Butter Mug Cake then you might like to try one of my other baking recipes:
Like me, you also cook for other members of the family that do not require special dietary requirements. I’ve recently started another website, Fiona Cooks, that captures all of those recipes. If you want to check it out then please click on the following link: